Dr. Mousa Akbar
Consultant Interventional Cardiologist, Head of Cardiology Unit, Al Sabah Hospital
Kuwait City, Kuwait
Dr. Mousa Akbar( FACP.FRCPC.FACC.FESC.FSCAI.FGHA) is currently Consultant Cardiologist & Head of Cardiology unit, Al-Sabah hospital. He serves as a Consultant Interventional Cardiologist at the Chest Disease Hospital. Dr. Akbar graduated from the Medical School, Kuwait University – Kuwait in 1990 and has a Bachelor of Basic Medical Science and Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery.
Between 1993 – 1997 he did his residency in internal medicine at University of Western Ontario, Canada and received the American Board of Internal Medicine ( ABIM) in 1996 as well as the Canadian Board of Internal Medicine in 1997,He also received a fellowship of Royal College of Physician and Surgeon of Canada ( FRCPC) in 1997 and became a Member of American College of Physician ( MACP) as well.
He did his Cardiology residency at Ottawa Heart Institute- Canada from 1997 – 2000. In 2000, he had the Canadian Board of Cardiology and in the same year 2000 he also had the American Board of Cardiology and received a fellowship of American College of Angiology (FACA). In 2003, he was awarded a fellowship of American College of Cardiology ( FACC)
In 2008, he was awarded a fellowship of European society of Cardiology (FESC). In 2009, he was awarded also a fellowship of American College of Physician ( FACP). He is a member of Kuwait Heart Foundation. Also he is a Vice president of Kuwait Cardiac Society(KCS).
He is a Board member in Gulf Heart Association (GHA).
In 2015, he was awarded a fellowship of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions(FSCAI).
He was a chairman of Cardiology Department in Chest disease hospitals(CDH).
He is a Fellow of Gulf heart association(FGHA).Currently a vice president of Kuwait cardiac society and General secretary of Gulf interventional society(GIS).He has contributed to several Local and International Journal Publications and presented more than 100 local and regional lectures related to his field of Cardiology.